Sunday, 5 September 2010

The Role of Reason in Philosophy

Philosophy is the art of rational thinking. It is the contemplation or study of the most important questions in existence, with the end of promoting illumination and understanding, a vision of the whole. It uses reason, sense, perception, the imagination, and intuitions in its activities of clarifying concepts and analyzing and constructing arguments and theories as possible answers to these perennial questions.

Though theologies and religions typically do not claim to be irrational, there is often a perceived conflict or tension between faith on the one hand, and reason on the other, as potentially competing sources of wisdom, law and truth.
Reason itself is not enough to make understand the origins of the universe and so it should be complemented by other sources of knowledge. Reason is the method of thinking in an organized, clear way to achieve knowledge and understanding.  

Pojman L. 2004: Introduction to Philosophy, Oxford University Press

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